Here's the quick summary:
First of all, IF YOUR CAR IS NEWER THAN 2000 PLEASE DON'T POST IT. (Even if it's an MG or Rover)
Your ad must include the price and location in the title. For example: 1973 Vauxhall Viva, V10 Viper Engine, Really fast! £895 Glasgow
Should your ad be here at all? What section should it be in? Use the 'curse word flowchart':
In an effort to simplify things for the moderating team X registered (2000/2001) cars are now allowed. This is not an extension of the age cut off, it is so that we don't have to check the DVLA records to see if an X reg car is a 2000 or 2001. Y registered cars (and newer, obviously!) are not allowed.
More detailed rules:
These are the rules for posting for sale threads on the forum.
1. Thread title - The seller must include the following information in the title of the thread.
Year - Car - Price - Location
eg. 1989, VW Golf GTI, £500, Reading Please ensure that your title ends with the price followed by the location. You'd be surprised how much confusion it can save!
This saves loads of pointless posts asking for where and how much. If you don't do this the thread may be deleted or moved. If there is enough information in the main body of the thread a moderator may edit it for you, but don't assume this, it takes up a lot of time.
2. First post - The seller must include the following information in the first post.
Contact details:
3. New forum members - Anyone with less than 100 Posts should PM any of the moderators their name, address and tel. No.
The forum cannot be held responsible for any of the transactions made but we don´t want people getting mucked around. If you are new (ish) to the forum, drop us a line so we know who you are….To clarify this point, anyone (even with only 1 post) can put up stuff for sale, all they have to do is drop me PM with their details.
4. What can I advertise? - Only one car per advert please, no pushbikes, motorbikes quads. Cars/vans only please.
5. No swaps - If you are looking for a swap then post in the Wanted/Swap section
6. Bumping threads - You may bump your thread once per day, any more and its just not fair on other users advertising.
7. My thread got deleted, why? - If you find your advert is missing then theres a good reason for that:
If you haven't provided all the information in the title
If you haven't provided all the information in the first post
If you're a new member and haven't provided us with your details first.
If its not a car or a van being advertised.
If you request a swap or give no price (even a ball park figure)
If its just an ebay link with no effort put in
Your ad may have been moved, check the other sections (particularly the purgatory and budget motoring sub-boards)
Hopefully this clears up any misunderstandings and we can keep this area running smoothly.
If you see an ad that doesn't meet the above criteria, please use the report button. 'Click report, not reply'
Thanks in advance for your help.
First of all, IF YOUR CAR IS NEWER THAN 2000 PLEASE DON'T POST IT. (Even if it's an MG or Rover)
Your ad must include the price and location in the title. For example: 1973 Vauxhall Viva, V10 Viper Engine, Really fast! £895 Glasgow
Should your ad be here at all? What section should it be in? Use the 'curse word flowchart':
In an effort to simplify things for the moderating team X registered (2000/2001) cars are now allowed. This is not an extension of the age cut off, it is so that we don't have to check the DVLA records to see if an X reg car is a 2000 or 2001. Y registered cars (and newer, obviously!) are not allowed.
More detailed rules:
These are the rules for posting for sale threads on the forum.
1. Thread title - The seller must include the following information in the title of the thread.
Year - Car - Price - Location
eg. 1989, VW Golf GTI, £500, Reading Please ensure that your title ends with the price followed by the location. You'd be surprised how much confusion it can save!
This saves loads of pointless posts asking for where and how much. If you don't do this the thread may be deleted or moved. If there is enough information in the main body of the thread a moderator may edit it for you, but don't assume this, it takes up a lot of time.
2. First post - The seller must include the following information in the first post.
Contact details:
3. New forum members - Anyone with less than 100 Posts should PM any of the moderators their name, address and tel. No.
The forum cannot be held responsible for any of the transactions made but we don´t want people getting mucked around. If you are new (ish) to the forum, drop us a line so we know who you are….To clarify this point, anyone (even with only 1 post) can put up stuff for sale, all they have to do is drop me PM with their details.
4. What can I advertise? - Only one car per advert please, no pushbikes, motorbikes quads. Cars/vans only please.
5. No swaps - If you are looking for a swap then post in the Wanted/Swap section
6. Bumping threads - You may bump your thread once per day, any more and its just not fair on other users advertising.
7. My thread got deleted, why? - If you find your advert is missing then theres a good reason for that:
If you haven't provided all the information in the title
If you haven't provided all the information in the first post
If you're a new member and haven't provided us with your details first.
If its not a car or a van being advertised.
If you request a swap or give no price (even a ball park figure)
If its just an ebay link with no effort put in
Your ad may have been moved, check the other sections (particularly the purgatory and budget motoring sub-boards)
Hopefully this clears up any misunderstandings and we can keep this area running smoothly.
If you see an ad that doesn't meet the above criteria, please use the report button. 'Click report, not reply'
Thanks in advance for your help.