I bought this bike off ebay a while back but thought it looked a bit bland after i'd put it together.
So i bought some rattle cans, handle bars, horn and some lights and now it looks a lot better. The front light bracket took 4 hours to mill, drill and tap but it was worth it. I also turned some alloy spikes for the end of the handle bars. The horn is mounted under the seat facing backwards so it looks more exhaust like.
Got this mk2 chopper at the back of the garage too. Wont be chopping it up as it's mint.
When i was 1 my dad bought me my first car. He made a dropped tube front axle for it and painted it black with flames. He recently restored it so it now looks like this.
So i bought some rattle cans, handle bars, horn and some lights and now it looks a lot better. The front light bracket took 4 hours to mill, drill and tap but it was worth it. I also turned some alloy spikes for the end of the handle bars. The horn is mounted under the seat facing backwards so it looks more exhaust like.
Got this mk2 chopper at the back of the garage too. Wont be chopping it up as it's mint.
When i was 1 my dad bought me my first car. He made a dropped tube front axle for it and painted it black with flames. He recently restored it so it now looks like this.