Now that I've got the bit between my teeth, I might as well upload what I have for the next project so I can update the thread in 'real-time' rather than retrospectively.
I had an Avenger back in the early 90's and, like the Cedric, I've always loved the lines on them. I was a member of the ASOC back then so, naturally, I rejoined when I bought this. They were kind enough to re-issue me with original membership number, but this was to be short-lived.
Difference in opinion over the hypocrisy of advertising a car for a non-member but not permitting me to enquire on behalf of another non-member. When I assured the administrator that I had given him/her the benefit of the doubt and they surely couldn't be such 'an obtuse jobsworth pr**k' they took exception, deleted all of my posts on the matter and very kindly refunded my membership fee.
Suffice to say, I am no longer in the ASOC.
Regardless, I still have the car. It is a Top Hat edition, one of very few left apparently, and it seems to be of great importance that it retains its originality and features. 1500cc, 3 speed automatic (recurring theme in my cars at the moment) with the horrible rectangular headlights and a very distinctive white vinyl roof.
That ain't gonna happen. F**k 'em. It's my car and I will do exactly as I please with it. If it upsets the Rootes Illuminati then I can only say that that is all to the good.
The blue vinyl interior however is cool, and I may do my best to preserve that feature. Also, I might not.
On to the pictures. A few from collecting it up in Northampton and the initial under body inspection. Not as good/bad* as I expected (* delete as applicable)
I've got the majority of the panels I need to make it structurally sound now and I'll go from there.
Also, quite happy to pay the additional 10% to the panel company that offers a discount for ASOC members for whatever else I need. Small price to pay for peace of mind and maintaining my own integrity. (Yes, I was a bit bitter but I'm a better person now)
I had an Avenger back in the early 90's and, like the Cedric, I've always loved the lines on them. I was a member of the ASOC back then so, naturally, I rejoined when I bought this. They were kind enough to re-issue me with original membership number, but this was to be short-lived.
Difference in opinion over the hypocrisy of advertising a car for a non-member but not permitting me to enquire on behalf of another non-member. When I assured the administrator that I had given him/her the benefit of the doubt and they surely couldn't be such 'an obtuse jobsworth pr**k' they took exception, deleted all of my posts on the matter and very kindly refunded my membership fee.
Suffice to say, I am no longer in the ASOC.
Regardless, I still have the car. It is a Top Hat edition, one of very few left apparently, and it seems to be of great importance that it retains its originality and features. 1500cc, 3 speed automatic (recurring theme in my cars at the moment) with the horrible rectangular headlights and a very distinctive white vinyl roof.
That ain't gonna happen. F**k 'em. It's my car and I will do exactly as I please with it. If it upsets the Rootes Illuminati then I can only say that that is all to the good.
The blue vinyl interior however is cool, and I may do my best to preserve that feature. Also, I might not.
On to the pictures. A few from collecting it up in Northampton and the initial under body inspection. Not as good/bad* as I expected (* delete as applicable)
I've got the majority of the panels I need to make it structurally sound now and I'll go from there.
Also, quite happy to pay the additional 10% to the panel company that offers a discount for ASOC members for whatever else I need. Small price to pay for peace of mind and maintaining my own integrity. (Yes, I was a bit bitter but I'm a better person now)