Having completed an EPAS conversion on my 1979 MGB GT project car its time to part company with the original steering column and bits that are gathering dust:
To suit late 74- 80 MGBs. Open to offers
Steering column, later collapsible type (includes top nut + mount for base of the column.
Universal joint; standard for column to pinion
Ignition switch/ steering lock (with key)
Stalks [controls headlight dip, horn, indicators 2 speed wipers],
standard MGB Steering wheel (very late 70's. I think its 14 inch)
plastic cowling ( surround's stalks & ignition switch etc).
I also have some MGF EPAS bits left over including a spare shortened top shaft, cowling, sensor, motor assembly etc that may help anyone planning an MGF EPAS conversion into another car.