one advantage with a trailer thats old tatty, and ugly is that no one will want to steal it.
We had a boat trailer nicked a few years ago. boat trailer had wheelclamp and a hitchlock. my trailer parked next to it. no security at all. even criminals wont tow it! My trailer is insured as part of my car policy. i'd say its worth paying few quid extra on policy to have it covered. i've seen a trailer come off and it makes a hell of a mess!
I keep thinking about cleaning my tilt-bed, removing the moss and fixing the bent corners of the floor sections. Then three weeks ago the mechanic in the next unit had his trailer stolen, sitting right next to mine, all fancy and new looking and mine untouched.
Hmm, thinks I, lets just leave the moss on it.
Plus as long as I can honestly declare it 'broken', I have an excuse not to lend it to the dozens of people that ask.