Jminisprite, I'm in Bristol. van was in Millbrook Cornwall. When I looked at the map didn't think it too far away. What I didn't factor in was the massive detour round the wet bits near Plymouth & the fact that I roped my brother in to help me drag the van back & his car (a Defender) doesn't like going over about 60MPH due to seriously unbalanced back wheels.
So it took ages to get there & back.
The manual glow plug thingie is staying as the repalacement unit Glow plug controller/timer looks to be about £40 plus VAT. The heater controls need fixing which will be done & the ashtray keeps falling out.
It has central locking, but I don't really fancy paying Renault a brazillion quid for a "plip" (their word) remote control can I buy one of the £17 ebay central locking alarm type kits & make it work.
Finally how do you fit in a lights on alarm? I did it years ago to a Metro but can't remember what I tied the wires into I'm sure it can be done with just a 12V buzzer & some wire but my brain is sayng I need some kind of logic circuit.
So it took ages to get there & back.
The manual glow plug thingie is staying as the repalacement unit Glow plug controller/timer looks to be about £40 plus VAT. The heater controls need fixing which will be done & the ashtray keeps falling out.
It has central locking, but I don't really fancy paying Renault a brazillion quid for a "plip" (their word) remote control can I buy one of the £17 ebay central locking alarm type kits & make it work.
Finally how do you fit in a lights on alarm? I did it years ago to a Metro but can't remember what I tied the wires into I'm sure it can be done with just a 12V buzzer & some wire but my brain is sayng I need some kind of logic circuit.